Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Exploring Roles: Who works in a coffee shop?

Week of March 10, 2014

            The children have shown a huge interest in pretending to make coffee during dramatic play activities.  This week, I brought in various materials that might be used in a coffee shop.  The children were extremely curious as to what was inside the coffee container and sugar packets I brought in.  They would shake the containers and observe the pictures on the outside to try to figure out what was inside.  Even after we opened them up, children were still unsure of what the coffee grounds actually were.  It was interesting to observe how children used certain materials.  Some children put the coffee filters in the coffee pot.  I also observed children put the coffee mug in the top of the coffee maker.

 It was very interesting observing children come up with creative ways to use the materials to make coffee.  It was surprising to me, however, that children do not actually know what goes into the coffee maker or how we actually collect the coffee. Next week, I plan on elaborating on this idea of a coffee shop by planning an activity where the children actually explore with water and the coffee maker. Where do you put the water? Where does the water flow out? What do we need to add to turn the water into coffee?


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