To wrap up our restaurant and food
inquiry, the children took a trip to Daisy’s Diner in Mrs. Jacob’s classroom to
be customers in the restaurant her preschoolers have created. The
children in Mrs. Jacob’s room welcomed the children to sit down in Daisy’s
Diner and handed them menus to order food from.
The toddlers enjoyed choosing items from their hand made menus and
watching the preschoolers prepare food and bring it to them. Some of the toddlers even acted as waiters
and enjoyed ‘writing’ down orders on a notepad.
The children also enjoyed using the cash register to ring customers up.
The children were really intrigued by the different
restaurant type items in Daisy’s Diner.
They enjoyed the little candles and flower center pieces on the tables
as well as using the notepads and cash register. I think the children would really love a
similar setup in their own classroom.
What should the name of our restaurant be? What kinds of things do we need in a
restaurant? What should our restaurant look